How To Say "No To Sin" God's Way

This Book uses the Principles found in the Bible in the Book of Romans Chapter’s 5,6,7,8 to teach Believers young and old how to have Victory over their Sins and Temptations. 

These are just some of the Great and Awesome Promises from God to His Children who are Trying to Live for Him as They should. And are Walking Up-right and Not In Un-confessed Sin.

  • God will Only Allow Us to be Tempted with what We Can Bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13 
  • God Will Give Us Wisdom if We Ask Him for It.  James 1:5 
  • Jesus Promises His Followers Rest from the Things of the World.  Matthew 11:28-30 
  • God Will Give Us the Peace that Surpasses All Understanding. Philippians 4:4-7 
  • We Can continue to be Strong and Bear Fruit to God as We Age. Psalm 92:12-15  and many more!!

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This Book uses the Principles found in the Bible in the Book of Romans Chapter’s 5,6,7,8 to teach Believers young and old how to have Victory over their Sins and Temptations. 

How To Say "No To Sin" God's Way Will Teach You

How to Say No to Sin and Temptation,

What is Faith

Why Everything in the Bible is True

The Holy Trinity is in the Bible

Jesus died on Thursday and not Friday

Eternal Security You cannot lose your Salvation

Do not search for Angels or other spirits to talk to them,

Why God must send sinners to Hell.

Nothing can Separate Us from the Love of God. Romans 8:38-39

About The Author

Fletcher Chambliss, Jr.

He is a Born Again Christian and a Member of a local Church in the Atlanta Ga Metro Area, and He Volunteers with the Homeless Ministry in His Church. He knew he had a Sin Problem But Could Not Find Any Information in Christian Media or Bookstores That Could Teach Him How to Handle It. So He Prayed to God for Help and This Book Came from What God has Taught Him.